Wednesday, 22 February 2012

InPress... Competition

We researched into what would be our potential competition. We based this on who are similar graphic design studios that use similar processes to us in Leeds.

They are Factory 4, Catalogue and Craft.

Factory 4 is a studio that lets out its screen printing facilities for various prices. Initially we wanted to let out our facilities to the public as an extra way to make money. However we discovered that this only caused more problems, we would have to figure out whether we would teach people and how much we would have to charge. It would also limit the time we had to use our own equipment and we would have to get different types of insurance to protect the public. Also it would increase our start up costs, as we would have buy or rent more professional equipment, rather than making our own at a smaller price.

Catalogue is probably the most similar to us out of all of our competitors. They are a graphic design studio that are mainly print based. They own all of their own screen printing equipment and influenced a lot of how we want to run our studio. They have made a lot of their own equipment, which is something we intend to do with InPress to cut our start up costs.

Craft is a design studio being set up by four of our fellow course mates- Charlotte Bourke, Luke O'Brien, Max Gregory and Joe Warburton. We had a look at some of their research posted on their blogs and discovered that they were considering renting out studio space in the same space as us. They would be major competitors being in the same building, also the fact that we would be launching our studios at the same time would make it very competitive.

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