Monday, 18 October 2010

Evaluation- Alphabet Soup... Creating a typeface

Which personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply to the typeface?
The main trait I responded to was Charlie's height as this is the first noticeable thing when you meet him. After talking to him and reading his completed questionnaire I also found that he is quite nostalgic and likes the outdoors (tree climbing, climbed a mountain etc) so I decided to also use this within the typeface.

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the typeface?
I chose to play and experiment with perspective to give the illusion that its tall and towering above you, this was in response to his height and also the reference to trees and mountains. The use of horizontal lines running across the type also aids the perspective of it being tall and gives it a tree- like, 'barky' look. When experimenting with upper case it made the typeface look huge and intimidating, so i chose to use lower case, as this is not a direct personalty trait of charlie.

In what ways are the results effective?
I feel that the perspective worked well and it is easy to tell that the typeface is supposed to be towering over you, although with some letters such as Y and W it was difficult to communicate this so I had to find another element to make it look tall, hence the use of horizontal lines. I also think that it successfully reflects personality traits of my partner, even though readability can be seen as a problem in some cases. My next step is to draw it out in upper case and experiment with the kerning and tracking to see if it improves the readability.

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